
Day One: Clear the Pantry

I bought twenty eight dollars worth of groceries and I am going to make them last through the end of the month. (Hopefully) I thought that it would be cheating if I ate off of the food I already had so I cleared off my shelf in the pantry and put that food out of reach. The food I purchased will average out to be one dollar a day worth of food. Here are the groceries I purchased:

1. Two boxes of muffins = $1
2. Potatoes = $1.28
3. Top Ramen = $1
4. Quart of Vitamin D milk = $1.29
5. Frozen Veggies = $2.69
6. Green Beans = $1.69
7. Chicken = $3.91
8. Spaghetti Sauce= $1.25
9. Rice = $2.50
10. 2 Loaves of Bread = $ 3
11. Peanut Butter = $2.50
12. Jelly (expired when purchased) = $1
13. Cereal (special sale) = $1
14. 2 Cartons of Eggs (Special Sale)= $1.54
15. Noodles= $1
16. Crackers= $2

Total = $28.65

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